Tag Archives: Sepp Häusl

Happy New Year!


Created by Sepp Häusl


Wishing you all a very happy New Year and most of all, may this be a year for the animals.  More rescues, more awareness and less suffering!

Let us all do what we can, every little really does help, so never think there is nothing you can do when you’re overwhelmed by all the suffering you see.  Together we can make a huge difference! UNTIL THE CRUELTY ENDS!


Sepp Häusl’s pictures

Sepp Häusl has created the amazingly powerful picture on our Welcome page and I just wanted to share it again here for anyone who follows our blog but may not necessarily look at the other pages.



I’m sure there will be more and the picture on the Welcome page will be replaced occasionally, but I will share via the blog as well as they will all be amazing, all Sepp’s pictures are.  This one just says so much.

This is the prayer said at an Animals Asia bear funeral “Please look upon the others and give them promise of hope soon. And tell them to be patient and proudly wear the moon.”  I think that’s exactly what this picture says as well.

Let us all do what we can to get them all out of their hell holes as soon as possible.  We can all do something even if it doesn’t seem like it could possibly make a difference.  Whatever any of us can do to help will make a massive difference if we all do our bit.

The smallest donation will make a difference and telling others about the bears’ plight and how they can help.  There are some ideas here on Animals Asia’s website, or if you’re in London and would like to get actively involved with our fundraising, please feel free to contact us

A special THANK YOU! to Sepp Häusl

Sepp Häusl has been a supporter of Animals Asia for many years and has done a lot for the bears, including publishing a beautiful picture book which was on sale in Germany.  His stunning photos of the bears at the Vietnam and China Bear Rescue Centres can be seen in the Animals Asia wall calendars.

I first met Sepp and his partner Monika in May this year and they have since become dear friends.  After finding out about our pledge to name a Nanning Bear Sepp decided to create something for us to sell and raise funds for our bear on our stalls and has come up with some absolutely stunning cards.  They are now for sale on our stall.

Below are all 9 designs, all cards have images inside and on the back as well and will be wonderful greeting cards for those very special people.




This is a video Sepp made as an introduction to his picture book.  The drop is a recurring feature in his work and represents what we as individuals can do to help the bears – many drops make a river.

We have a very limited number of books for sale on our stall as well.